The Power of Connection

You know that little voice inside that when you get really quiet helps you to know what to do or not do? That’s your intuition - or as Martha Beck calls it, your essential self. The part of you that deeply knows what you want. That voice wants you to pay attention to what it’s saying So often, we are disconnected from hearing our inner voice. Our world is LOUD! Traffic, work, kids, stress! How could anyone hear over all of that?!?


Think, though, about times in your life when you connected to your inner self. I’ll bet you remember those moments. For me, it’s been times like when I realized I was destined for law school and not science, or when I met my now-husband and had a strong inner knowing to pay attention to that relationship, or when I knew that I wanted to become a coach because sharing the skills I’ve learned lights me up beyond belief.

A few weeks ago, I had the a-m-a-z-i-n-g good fortune to spend a dreamy week on retreat at Kripalu. Retreats give me the space and support (through daily quieting practices) to hear my inner voice.  And boy did mine have a lot to say! That lady is LOUD right now!

 Now that I’m back, though, I find the cacophony of life slipping back in - summer camp schedules, work stress, back to school looming.  It’s made me think about how to reinvest in my practice of letting my essential self - my inner voice - be in the driver’s seat, and asking my thinking mind to sit in the way back for a change.

Here’s what I am doing:

  • Daily meditation. At Kripalu, I renewed my commitment to sit. And to support me in this practice - because I know I will be more successful if I build in support - I signed up for Tara Brach and Jack Kornfield’s new course, “The Power of Awareness

  • Being in or on water. I always feel less stressed and less anxious when I’m either in water or kayaking on water. I kayaked every day on vacation in Maine and am scheduling kayaks with friends to continue this practice now that I’m home.

  • Yoga Kripalu reminded me how much better I feel with a regular yoga practice. It quiets my mind in a different way than aerobic exercise.

  • Letting my inner self lead my to-do list. Every morning, before I start my list for the day, I ask my inner self what I should do that day. I start my list with whatever comes up and do those things first - or schedule a specific time to do them during the day. My Danielle LaPorte planner helps remind me to do this.

This is what happens when I let my inner self lead: I feel more contentment at the end of the day, my day feels oddly more spacious (more about space and time next month!), and I feel more like my whole self instead of fragmented pieces of myself. Listening to your inner voice is lovely. Try it.

How will you support listening to your inner self today?

Can’t wait to hear your inner voices get LOUD!



Email me if you want to get in touch, set up some time to chat or PM me @pattyfirstcoaching on Instagram.

Patty FIrst