Root to Rise!


Helllooo Spring!

It’s finally here!  Can you feel it? It’s time to B-L-O-O-M!

For years I have heard the expression “root to rise” in my yoga classes.  I always obligingly ground my energy down through my feet so that I can experience more freedom and ease in my upper body.  It’s kind of a miraculous cue. Try it next time you’re in tree pose or triangle.

Think about it.  In Spring, the first thing plants do is ground down into the earth to create a solid foundation.  It’s only after they’ve grounded that they can lift their pretty heads and bloom. A few weeks ago, I was in California and saw the amazing superbloom.  Y’all - look at these poppies blooming like CRAZY! You can see them from space!


It wasn’t until I began working with a life coach, that I understood how applicable “root to rise” is to a lot of life.   When I do not feel grounded, I am all over the place in my head - anxious, stressed, unable to focus, snapping at my loved ones.  I feel untethered. I am not in my body. But when I’m grounded, ahhhh…. I feel spacious and expansive and creative and life just flows like water.  

How to get there, though, in the craziness of everyday life?  Try starting with these three steps:

  1. Close your eyes

  2. Take five deep breaths

  3. Open your eyes and notice five blue things around you

Do you feel more grounded?

Now, think about the things that give you this feeling in life.  For me, it’s yoga, being in nature, coaching, and deeply connecting with friends and family.  List of few of the things that keep you grounded.

Then go and do them.  At least one thing on your list every day.  Even if it’s a 10-minute walk.

And then see if that grounded-ness helps you rise and expand.  Because this world needs more flowers like you!

Now, go forth and BLOOM!



Email me if you want to get in touch, set up some time to chat or PM me @pattyfirstcoaching on Instagram.

Patty FIrst