At one time you may have loved your job, perhaps when you were younger and hungry for experience. But now, something just doesn’t feel right — you might have reached a certain level of success, but work now feels like soulless drudgery. You know there’s a better career path for you, but you can’t see what it is. It may feel like there’s a giant boulder blocking your path and you just can’t get around it.
If you feel this way, you are not alone. Several recent surveys have found that only around 20% of Americans are actually passionate about their job. Often, the realization that their job isn’t making them happy motivates people to work with a coach.
“Moving the boulder” often means resetting and getting back in touch with what truly brings you joy. As your coach, I will support you through the process of reconnecting with yourself, so you can:
discover what you love to do;
ascertain your unique strengths;
explore what a happier, more fulfilling life looks like; and
begin taking the necessary steps to achieve your goals.
Undertaking any kind of career transition can be a challenging process — there is a lot to think about! However, a coach can help guide you from where you are now to the inspiring future you envision. The insight you gain can inform your next steps, whether that’s finding a new job; deciding what that job should be; or if you should seek an entirely new career altogether.