February: The Weirdest Month

Hello, lovelies!

I don’t know about you, but February never feels all about the love to me.  It feels weird. A short in-between month that is a bridge between January’s frozen deep winter and March’s spring thaw.  One day we’ll have snow; the next day it’s 60 degrees and the spring birds are singing (hello, global warming). The energy of February is constantly shifting.  Annoyingly shifting.

Far from making you feel Valentine’s Day commercially-induced romance, all that shifting is EXHAUSTING. Like wicked exhausting.

While January is a time to cozy up and plan, February is a month to pay attention to what you need and to take care of yourself before the earthy grounded fertile energy of Spring.  

Getting back into your body is one way to notice what you need right now.  Here’s an easy way to do it. Sit well. Close your eyes and focus on your right hand.  Send your breath into your hand. Try to feel the inside of your hand and your fingers. How do your fingertips feel?  How is that different from the feeling inside your palms? Can you feel your muscles and bones separately?  What does the air around your hand feel like?  Spend about five minutes on your hand. Then take a couple of clearing full breaths and open your eyes.  How do you feel? Ask yourself what you think you need today. And then figure out how to work whatever that is into your day.

February is not a month for giant leaps (even during leap years).  It’s truncated. Focus instead on tiny steps towards your goals. Little baby steps - I mean t-i-n-y.  For example, I have a goal of launching a website for my coaching by March, which in my body feels exciting and expansive.  A tiny step today is to spend 15 minutes researching how to use SquareCash as a website-integrated payment system. Not set up a SquareCash account.  Not integrate it into the website. Just research it. For 15 minutes. That’s it. Afterwards I can figure out what feels like a good next step.

Maybe your body says you need to rest.  So rest. Close your eyes for 20 minutes.  Set an alarm. See how it goes.

What is your body telling you it needs today?  Give yourself the best Valentine’s gift ever: really listen to what you need, and take a tiny step towards that thing.  Eventually those tiny steps lead to really big changes. But save that for another month.

Let me know what happens! 

Be well, beauties.  And here’s to a restful February!



Email me if you want to get in touch, set up some time to chat or PM me @pattyfirstcoaching on Instagram

Patty FIrst