Holiday Weatherstripping

Hi everyone!

I’m popping in here a few days before the holidays to remind you of your own power.

It’s December. Maybe you’re feeling a wee bit stressed right now?!? I know I am.

The holidays are a lot. And also the perfect time for practicing boundaries and establishing new traditions - ones that serve YOU and not everyone else.

Consider this your holiday reminder to check in with your energy. If you think of yourself as a house, where are you leaking energy? Is your energy going toward getting all the things done so everyone else has a nice holiday? Is it going towards cleaning your house so that you look put together? Are you feeling scattered in a million directions?

Who is that serving?

Probably not you. You are most likely nowhere in this equation, and the energy you have to take care of you is leaking out of all your doors and windows.


If that’s the case, it’s time for some weatherstripping - in the form of setting boundaries. This is not easy during the holidays. We want them to be so, so perfect for everyone else. But what if they were also perfect for us?

What can you do today (yes, TODAY) to put yourself back on your to-do list? What would restore energy to your house? Maybe it’s taking things off your list (see ya baking cookies)? Or maybe it’s getting away from someone else’s stressful energy (hello, walk in nature). Or getting a massage or going to the gym. Maybe it’s just doing less.

Whatever it is, do it. Give your house some holiday weatherstripping. And then notice how warm and cozy it feels.

I hope you all have wonderful, restful holidays, my friends. See you in the new year.



P.S. If you want to honor yourself with some coaching next year, I am always here to help. We’re all going to need it to get through 2020. Email me to get in touch, set up some time to chat or PM me @pattyfirstcoaching on Instagram.

Patty FIrst