All I Want for Christmas is...Less

Hello lovelies!

It's December 24th.  How are those holidays coming along?  Lots of fa-la-la-la-la or lots of fa-la-la-la-THAT IS NOT WHAT I MEANT, MOM!?


The holidays are full of expectations.  Our own expectations, our family's expectations, our partner's expectations.  Trying to meet all of those expectations is really exhausting; if not impossible.  So is trying to make everyone comfortable, as we women are conditioned to do.

This year, perhaps do one less thing than all the things.  Or maybe five fewer things on your list. Ease up just a tiny bit.  Notice how you feel.

I hosted Christmas dinner for 16 people on Saturday night.  But, I made it an appetizer and dessert dinner. Almost everything came frozen from Costco or Whole Foods.  And you know what? My family said it was the best Christmas dinner they could remember because no one was s-t-r-e-s-s-e-d.  

It was very hard for me to let go of doing every damn thing.  Instead, I focused on how I wanted to FEEL (answer: relaxed and connected with my family).  Then I asked myself for each task whether it moved me closer to relaxed and connected or further away.  If it moved me further away, I dropped it from my list. A Christmas Miracle.

How do you want to FEEL this holiday season?  What can you drop from your list to move closer to that feeling?  It might mean going for a walk when your mother-in-law says that thing again, or taking five deep breaths when your dad tells that story or tagging out of baking cookies to read a book.  This holiday season, drop some items from your list and focus on YOU.  

Wishing you all peace and rest!



Email me if you want to get in touch, set up some time to chat or PM me @pattyfirstcoaching on Instagram.

Patty FIrst